Kuigi Microsoft üldiselt on CISPA poolt siis sarnaselt Facebook’iga ei leia, et seda peaks praegusel kujul toeatama. Kuid mis on huvitavam sellest on see, et nii Facebook kui ka Microsoft ametlikult pole oma toetust eelnõult tagasi võtnud kuigi mõlemad leiavad, et sellele tuleks teha muudatusi privaatsuse osas.
In response to queries from CNET, Microsoft, which has long been viewed as a supporter of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act, said this evening that any law must allow “us to honor the privacy and security promises we make to our customers.”
Microsoft added that it wants to “ensure the final legislation helps to tackle the real threat of cybercrime while protecting consumer privacy.”
CISPA on järg ACTA‘le mida USA’s ettevalmistatakse ja sellekohta saab lugeda PressTV lehelt.