Net Groupi Kevadfoorum

Ka sel aastal korraldab Net Group IT-maailma kevadekuulutajana suurejoonelise seminari, mille rõhuasetus on seekord suuresti nii kommunikatsioonil kui ka muutuva keskkonna IT-teenuste valikul ja rakendamisel.  Seminaril osalevad Net Groupi partneritena Wyse, Citrix, VMware, Microsoft, EMC, innovaphone, Radvision, Veeam. Avatakse ka expo ala ning korraldatakse hulganisti live demosid. Tee endale kalendrisse juba aegsasti märge 27.märtsile ning jälgi registreerimisinfot kodulehel.


08:45 – 09:15   Registreerumine, hommikukohv

09:15 – 09:45   Keynote 1: ITaaS + Office 365 + cloud office (Jaan Feldmann ja Toomas Mõttus, Net Group)

Pilvetehnoloogiate levik ja tarbeelektroonika jõudluse kasv muudavad mudeleid, kuidas ettevõtted oma töötajatele IT-teenuseid pakuvad. Traditsioonilised IT-teenuse mudelid ei paku enam vajalikku kiirust ja paindlikkust. Räägime sellest, milliseid mudeleid peab muutunud keskkonnas rakendama.

09:45 – 10:30   Keynote 2: Äri ja IT integratsioon Eestis (Mihkel Lauk, PwC Advisors)

Vaatluse alla tuleb PwC nägemus nii avaliku kui ka ärisektori sidususest IT valdkonnaga.

10:40 – 11:20 Net Groupi hooldusteenus ja Pilvekontor (Toomas Mõttus, Net Group)
Amazon EC, Azure ja Office 365 on sundinud Net Groupi muutma viise, kuidas IT arendust ja tuge klientidele pakkuda. Räägime sellest, kuidas me uusi mõttemudeleid  enda organisatsioonis juurutame ja kuidas kavatseme muutustega kaasa viia ka oma kliente.
And you thought XenDesktop is all we do? Citrix presents the VDI revolution for small businesses: VDI-in-a-Box (Fabian Kienle, Citrix Systems)
Learn how the world’s first storage free VDI solution brings you the flexibility of HDX and cost savings unseen before.
(Andreas Maier, innovaphone)
11:30 – 12:10 VMware vSphere uued haldustooded (Jaan Feldmann, Mati Raidma, Net Group)
Räägime haldustoodetest, mis aitavad kokku hoida kulusid ja lihtsustavad administraatorite tööd.vCenter Operations Suite: Standard, Advanced, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus
Desktops, Mobility, Management – World leading Cloud Client Computing solutions (Manfred Maierhofer, Wyse Technology)
The presentation underlines the importance of alternative desktop solutions for the access of centralized and virtualized IT infrastructures and their positive effects on security, cost and the ease of management considering reflecting the increasing demand for mobility solutions.
Microsoft Lync Server 2010 (Tarmo Reineberg, Net Group)
Tutvustame MS Lync Server lahendust, räägime juurutamisest ning lahenduse kombineerimisest teiste telefoni- ja videolahendustega.
12:10 – 13:10  LÕUNA
13:10 – 13:50 EMC edusammud varundamisel (Risto Kiilberg, Net Group) If the Mayas are wrong in December 2012, your world will be in trouble in 2014: Removing application dependencies with Citrix AppDNA (Fabian Kienle, Citrix Systems)
The biggest threat to IT environments are the numerous applications that have to be tested before a Windows Migration. Learn how to automate the Application testing and application virtualization with the latest products from Citrix.
Expect more from your Video Communications (Eli Adler, Radvision)
Radvision is a leading provider of video-conferencing and telepresence technologies over IP and wireless networks. We will show how video communications can be high quality anytime, anywhere and from any device. Radvision will present the latest developments in the UC, mobile and ease of use VC products.
14:00 – 14:40 Veeam Backup & Replication 6 – one tool to backup and replicate VMware vSphere and Microsoft Hyper-V environment (Tomasz Krajewski, Veeam)
In rapidly changing virtual environments you need fast and reliable solution to protect your data and create disaster recovery plans. We present the newest version of Veeam Backup & Replication 6, only tool that can backup and replicate VMware and Hyper-V virtual machines from one console. Join us in this session to learn more about technical aspects of Veeam Backup & Replication 6.
The Cloud PC: everything a PC promises. Minus the headaches (Michael Haas, Wyse Technology)
This presentation explains how the Wyse WSM provisioning solution enables customers to virtualize their desktops based on its well established Operating System and Application Streaming technology. Combining the full feature set of a PC with the advantages of a centrally managed Image, running on smart, green Cloud Clients makes it the ideal choice for IT and End Users.
Client Care via Video (Esa Ojala, Videovisit)
Introduction of Client Care via Video, new approach allowing better customer services – Case Studies.
14:40 – 15:00  Kohvipaus
15:00 – 15:40 VNX Family (Madis Pärn, EMC) You can fly with the birds, or soar with the eagles: Build your cloud with the open cloud technologies from Citrix with Cloud Gateway (Eva Koutna, Citrix Systems)
Citrix Cloud Gateway and CloudBridge are the 2 pillars of the most universal approach in Cloud Computing. Learn how the Citrix open cloud can shape your world.
Kuidas kokku hoida Microsofti litsentsidelt? (Anneli Heinsoo, Net Group)
Teeme ülevaate Microsofti litsentsiprogrammidest ning tutvustame Microsofti uute toodete litsentsimist ja muudatusi võrreldes senisega – System Center tooted, SQL serverid, Office 365. Räägime tarkvara lepingutega kaasnevatest lisaväärtustest (Software Assurance Benefits) ja nende kasutamisest. Anname vastuseid MS litsentsimist puudutavatele küsimustele.

15:50 – 16:30  Kokkuvõte: Gartner 2012 trendid (Jaan Feldmann ja Toomas Mõttus, Net Group)

Juhtiv IT valdkonna uurija Gartner on teinud selle aasta ja mõne järgneva kohta rea ennustusi. Mida, mis järjekorras ja millal peaksid ettevõtete IT-juhid tegema, et ennustatud muutustega kaasas käia?