
Täna öösel murti sisse Nokia Arendajate veebilehele, Nokia vabandab

Täna öösel vastu hommikut murti sisse Nokia Arendajate veebilehele mille käigus õnnestus varastel kätte saada suur hulk e-maili aadresse ja muud seotud infot – kuid mitte krediitkaarte ega paroole. Olles ka ise registreeritud Nokia arendaja sain ma täna 4:32 hommikul ka vastavasisulise meili. Siinkohal tahaks tänada Nokiat kiire reageerimise üle – mitte ei kuulnud ma sellest esimesena uudistest vaid otseteates Nokialt. Nokia on ajutiselt arendajate veebilehe ennetavalt maha võtnud.

Allpool leiate kirja millele viitasin.

You may have seen reports or received an email from us regarding a recent security breach on our discussion forum.
During our ongoing investigation of the incident we have discovered that a database table containing developer forum members’ email addresses has been accessed, by exploiting a vulnerability in the bulletin board software that allowed an SQL Injection attack. Initially we believed that only a small number of these forum member records had been accessed, but further investigation has identified that the number is significantly larger.
The database table records includes members’ email addresses and, for fewer than 7% who chose to include them in their public profile, either birth dates, homepage URL or usernames for AIM, ICQ, MSN, Skype or Yahoo. However, they do not contain sensitive information such as passwords or credit card details and so we do not believe the security of forum members’ accounts is at risk. Other Nokia accounts are not affected and we are not aware of any misuse of the accessed data.
We have identified that your record was one of those accessed and that, in addition to your email address, it includes one or more of the optional items mentioned above. Those would already have been public on your community forum profile. Therefore, we believe the only potential impact to you may be unsolicited email. Nokia apologizes for this incident.
Though the initial vulnerability was addressed immediately, we have now taken the developer community website offline as a precautionary measure, while we conduct further investigations and security assessments. We hope to get the site back online as soon as possible and will post developments there in the meantime.
If you have any questions on this, please contact
The Nokia Developer website team.

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