
Visual Studio 11 Beta kättesaadav tänasest!

Visual Studio 11 on saanud endale rida täiendusi võrreldes eelkäiaga ning kõik see tundub õiges suunas liikuvat. Visual Studio on võimas tööriist pakkudes meeletus koguses infot ja võimalusi nagu ei üksi teine arendusvahend. Kui Office tiim tegi omal ajal uuringu ja avastas, et enamus soove on juba realiseeritud ja inimesed ei leia funktsioone lihtsalt ülesse otsustati minna tagasi joonistuslaua juurde. Ei ära karda, Visual Studio ei ole saanud endale riba vaid midagi palju nutikamat. Viskame siis pilgu peale, mida uus tööriist meile toob.

Esimene asi mis silma jääb on võimalus otsida menüüde ja seadete juurest. Vähe sellest, sulle näidatakse ära ka seda, kus ta menüüs asetseb ja otsetee selle käivitamiseks klaviatuurilt. Esmapilgul pisiasjana tunduv võimalus muudab pikemas plaanis paljud arendajad kes seni menüüst asju taga on ajanud kiiremaks õpetades neile otseteesid selgeks. Kuid mitte ainult menüüd ja sätted pole otsitavad. Nüüd on ka toolbox, error list ja solution explorer otsitavad koos teistega. Lisaks on võimalus otsida ka lahtiolevate failide seast.

Tähelepanelikud lugejad märkasid juba enne kuid ka kogu ikonograafia on muutunud selgemaks. Eemaldatud on rida tööriistaribasid (kuid need on kõik sätitavad nii nagu alati menüüst vastavalt sinu soovidele) ning jäetud vaid hädavajalik välja tööriistaribale. Lõpuks ometi on kohe alguses võimalik valida tumeda ja heleda välimuse all, ilma et sa peaksid StudioStyles lehelt otsima endale sobivat. Kuid ära muretse, kõik vanad välimused töötavad ka uue versiooniga. Uus kasutajaliides on läbiv ja pea igalpool on see nüüd selgem ja võtab vähem tähelepanu ja suunab seda rohkem sisule. Kuid, see pole kõik, rida võimalusi mis olid enne eraldiseisvad pistikprogrammid on nüüd Visual Studio sisse juba küpesetatud. Visual Studio on kiirem kui kunagi varem ning parandatud on ka veaotsimisega seotud tegevusi.

Ääremärkus: Pean tunnistama, et minule kui värvipimedale on uus Visual Studio kasutusliides jumalik ja oluliselt parem kui kunagi varem. See võib küll tunduda alguses harjumatu, kuid niipea kui sa uute ikoonidega ära harjud ei taha sa enam vana tagasi.

Veel üks asi

Kui sul on vaja teha mingisugune näidis kuidas asi võiks üldjoontes välja näha siis Powerpoindile juurde tekkiv Storyboard pakub sulle just seda võimalust. Sa saad lihtsalt võtta elemendist kinni ja lohistada ta oma presentatsioonile. Lehe näidiste tegemine pole kunagi varem nii lihtne olnud.

Kättesaadav tänasest

Lae alla, katseta ja anna tagasisidet. Toetatud operatsioonisüsteemid on järgmised:

PS: Meie ajajärgi saab allalaadimist alustada 16:00

[spoiler title=”‘Visual Studio 11’ Beta and .NET Framework 4.5 Beta Make Software Development Fast, Collaborative and Focused”]Designing software, creating code and then bringing a product to market is an incredibly complex affair — and it’s becoming more complex by the minute as software users demand greater integration between applications, across devices and among services. To help integrate cross-functional teams and help developers accomplish goals more efficiently, Microsoft will release code-named “Visual Studio 11” Beta and .NET Framework 4.5 Beta on Feb. 29.

“Visual Studio 11” is an integrated solution that helps individuals and development teams of any size to be productive and focused, to collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, and to turn their ideas into exceptional and compelling applications.

“We undertook building ‘Visual Studio 11’ with a focus on offering today’s software developer the very best environment for efficiently building applications — for both businesses and consumers,” said S. Somasegar, corporate vice president, Developer Division, Microsoft. “In addition, our work has been highly influenced by the proliferation of devices and a passion for enabling developers to focus on building high-quality, modern applications with data that seamlessly flows from one device to another, easily incorporating intuitive interfaces such as touch and voice. We want developers to be productive in building such applications, whether they’re using C++, JavaScript, Visual Basic or C#.”

The .NET Framework 4.5 enables developers to productively build responsive, scalable and efficient client and server applications. “Developers building services for Windows Server and Windows Azure will get the tools they need to effectively harness the power of the cloud,” Somasegar said.

Get Into the Zone

“Visual Studio 11” offers an improved developer experience that includes a simplified user interface designed to keep developers focused on their work, with fewer distractions and easier access to the tools they need.

“We know that developers can lose a lot of their time just orienting themselves to a project and the tools they are working with,” said Jason Zander, corporate vice president, Visual Studio, Microsoft. “By refreshing the user interface, we’ve made much of the core functionality easier for a developer to find and use quickly, helping maintain concentration.”

A number of features were added and improvements made to “Visual Studio 11,” including the following:

Software Development From Start to Finish

“Visual Studio 11” provides an integrated development experience that seamlessly spans the entire lifecycle of software creation — from architecture and user interface design to code creation, insight and analysis, deployment, testing, and validation. Visual Studio application lifecycle management (ALM) capabilities help project stakeholders work together at every step in the development cycle to deliver high-quality applications.

In addition, the Beta release of “Visual Studio 11” includes support for Windows 8 and Web development, which are supported by Visual Studio Express for Windows 8 and “Visual Studio 11” Express for Web, respectively.

“Visual Studio 11” Team Foundation Server (TFS) Beta provides the collaboration hub at the center of the Visual Studio ALM solution. From start to finish, teams can track projects through each stage of software development, from keeping tabs on version control to continually deploying software updates. The new ALM capabilities help ensure diverse team members integrate as one in the development cycle.

TFS automates the software delivery process and gives developers the tools they need to effectively manage software development projects throughout the IT lifecycle.

In addition to Beta, Microsoft is announcing Team Foundation Server Express, which is a great way to try out TFS. TFS Express includes core developer features, such as Source Code Control, Work Item Tracking, Build Automation and Agile Taskboard, and is available for free to individuals and teams of up to five members.

Building Efficient Managed Applications

With.NET Framework 4.5, Microsoft .NET has been enhanced significantly to enable developers to be as productive as possible while building rich, reliable and high-performance software in managed code. These enhancements were made across the Framework, including in the following:

Beyond such areas, many additions have gone into improving the .NET Framework end to end. There are improvements from regular expression processing to better support for compression standards, enhanced support for HTML5, developer productivity enhancements in Entity Framework, optimized mobile experiences through ASP.NET, and more, ensuring .NET Framework 4.5 has something new for all developers building for the client and the cloud.

Download ”Visual Studio 11” Beta and .NET Framework 4.5 Beta[/spoiler]



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